Outdoor LED panel resolution.

In Digital signage  On 09.08.17

A pixel is a cluster of LED’S that forms an image. For outdoor LED panels, a pixel is usually made out of one red, one green and one blue LED. Within each pixel, the LED’S are lit at varying intensities to create a specific color. We can create approximately 16 777 216 colors. Each digital screen is composed of hundreds of thousands of pixels to create a homogeneous image. It works the same way your television or computer screen does, except that the pixel does not need to be as small because the viewer is further away.

The pitch is the distance between the center of each pixel on the screen. Outdoor LED panels are usually composed of a larger pitch (compared to indoor LED panels) because they are watched from a greater distance. The measure varies from approximately 20 to 6mm.

The resolution of outdoor signs is defined by the number of pixels it contains. The smaller the pitch, the greater will be the resolution. This can be explained by the fact that a greater number of pixels can be placed in the same area. The resolution is described in terms of width by the height.

Minimum viewing distance of your digital screen indicates the distance you need to keep from the LED sign so that pixels no longer appear as thousands of LED but as a homogeneous image! Simply put, it means that smaller the pitch, the smaller the viewing distance will be.  A good rule of thumb for best viewing distance is PITCH = METERS:

20mm pitch:  Best viewing from 20 meters(66 feet) or more

16mm pitch:  Best viewing from 16 meters (53 feet) or more

10mm pitch:  Best viewing from 10 meters (33 feet) or more

8mm pitch:    Best viewing from 8 meters (26 feet) or more

6mm pitch:    Best viewing from 6 meters (20 feet) or more